WORDS that make you go,THE HECK?!

Language in itself is amusing. Its amazing how we give meaning to a particular tone or a set of sound, which pertaining to a name or to communicate something. Mississippi,  a place, a river, more like a snake lisping. What makes it more weird is that even animals do it though you don't hear them identifying or calling out to an another individual as Leonardo DiCaprio.
Well, he are a few words that got me stumped , some made me wonder that they got words for those stuff and some, well.

Accismus- When you pretend to be not interested in something or someone, when you really are interested. *Me trying to act cool in front of my crush.*

Dactylonomy- Counting on your fingers.

Delassation- Tired, pooped, fatigued.

Eccedentesiast- One who fakes a smile on television. *All those scumbags in engineering college ads*

Ergophobic- Someone who fears work.  *Finally I get to tell ma and all the annoying runts that its not bout being lazy at all but a phobia*

Floccinaucinihilipilification- To establish or state that something has no value. *OH THE IRONY*

Gossypiboma- A surgical sponge accidentally left inside a patient's body. *When Grey's anatomy went wrong*

Gymnophoria- The sensation that someone is mentally undressing you. *Wait, what?*

Limbeck-  To wear yourself out trying to come up with new ideas. *No Ma! I'm not sleeping, I'm limbecked*

Liripoop- The tail of a graduate's hood. *POOP. POOP. POOP.*

Moirologist- Someone who has been hired to mourn at a funeral. *I'm gonna hire some moirologists before I die to drop by my funeral, clad in black suits, stay for a while and say nothing and leave just like that. UNDERCOVER LIFE BITCHES.*

Nannicock-  Well, my apologies. This word is so damn rare that its meaning itself is a mystery. I found some possible meanings though. The word "nanny" generally refers to a female caretaker, other than a mother- the idea of maternity. The word "cock", often used to refer to a male chicken. These words are self contradictory when put together. So, along those lines, it could mean a male caretaker or maybe an "effeminate male" or a transvestite.

Nudiustertian- It means the day before yesterday. *We actually have a word for it! I JUST LOVE THIS WORD!* 

Petrichor-  After a dry spell, this is the nice smell that comes after it rains. *I bet you were like Ooooooooooohhh just now.*

Poseidon's kiss- When water splashes up from the toilet onto your butt from you poop dropping into the water. *Now I can go around saying, I got kissed too, multiple times, where you never been kissed you bunch of sissies. ;internal cries;*

Vease- This a run you make before a leap. Can be spelled feeze or pheese.

Quantophrenia-  An obsessive reliance on mathematical methods or results. *Sheldon.*

Some words. Some words they're.
