Spending your life"time" successfully.

Time, what exactly is it?
I asked my friend Google (I tell you, he's awesome) and this is what he told me:
1. the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present and future regarded as     a whole.
Don't be down, I didn't get it either in the first go. Explaining it in simple terms, time is a non-ending measurement of all that's going on.

 That's the technical stuff.
What I wish to convey here is about how one's life is based on time.
Each and every single Homo sapien that's ever roamed this planet measured his life on how successfully he spent his time. That's the absolute way to measure time but everyone goes somewhere wrong with successful part. Some mistake it for fame, some for power and some for money.

 In this world, you're the only one that matters but then again, the ones that you hold dear are the ones who make you who you're. It's a paradox, I know. That's what actually life's 'bout. Those who figure it out, are the ones who attain peace. Spending time with your parents, friends, love is all there is to life. all of them tick you off at one point for sure and their stand maybe wrong. Life's too short to hate but long enough to love. If one were to use common sense, they would go for the option which is more beneficial which in this case is the latter one. Your mom shouted at you, thinking 'bout that moment again and again will just raise your anger bar, but just visualize how sad you'll be when you won't get see her, one day you'll face this unbearable situation where your loved ones will disappear from your life and you'll stand there regretting many a things. Avoid it. Forgive and forget. Love. Life's not all bout power, money or fame.

This isn't enough to help you spend your life successfully 'cuz at one point, you'll definitely be hit by depression too.

People waste precious moments of their life thinking 'bout the tragic times 'bout which they could do nothing instead of living their present to the fullest. It's not easy to get over things, that's a given but sitting back, crying and eating scoops of ice-cream while listening sad songs ain't gonna help either. So instead, take a stand and do what you got to do.

The worst of all, self-sympathizing. That's the first step to downfall. Avoid it. Smiling is the best way to get over depression. It stimulates positive feelings in your mind and you gradually drop off your negative aura.
If you clear these checkpoints, life becomes pretty simple.

When life was breathed into us, all we had to do was live but we complicated it. It's time we untangle it.

Click on this link and smile like an idiot while being overwhelmed by your emotions at the same time.


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